SKS Links
Here are some of the links I enjoy going to for information.

Acadiana Antique Tractor and Engine Club
Another site I made for my other hobby.
Curios and Relic Firearms Forum
A good site for information on your Curio and Relics Federal Firearms License.
Curio and Relic FFL Information
Another good site for information and forums on Curios and Relics Federal Firearms License.
Favorite SKS and AK-47 Links
SKS Wikipedia
Wikipedia's article on The SKS
Survivor's SKS Manual can be found here
Here is a good online manual for the SKS.
Survivors Boards
This is by far the best SKS discussion forum.
SKS Parts
Sarco has parts at a good price.
This page is a great AK-47 site.
A great forum for everyone to enjoy. Lots of info in here.