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Information for the new guys. By the Way. I am not responsible for personal injury to you or anyone else. This includes all new owners and owners who have owned sks rifles for years. I am also not responsible for malfunction in parts and breakdowns to sks rifles. Read the information, take apart, re assemble and fire at your own risk.
First thing is to pull the bolt back and make sure it does not have a round chambered. Now open the magazine and make sure it is emtpy also. Now go to my favorites section and go to a link with an online manual and print one out. Disassemble the gun and clean it thoroughly. You can use terpentine, WD-40, any gun solvent, brake cleaner and even carburator cleaner. Now coat the parts with a light coat of gun oil or whatever oil you use with your firearms. DO NOT OIL THE FIRING PIN. This can cause slamfires. Now read Testing Your Gun to the right.

Testing Your Gun

1. Load two rounds into the magazine.
2. While in a stable firing position point the muzzle downward.
3. Pull the charging handle or slide back, let it fly forward to chamber the first round.
4. If your weapon fires as soon as the round is chambered this is called slamfire. UNLOAD THE WEAPON IMMEDIATELY.
5. If there is no slamfire take the gun off of safety and pull the trigger.
6. If both rounds fire with one pull of the trigger this is called doubling.
7. Both of these situations are dangerous and are not correct operation of the gun. Make sure the gun is UNLOADED and take the gun to a gunsmith or place of purchase and have it fixed.



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